Thursday, March 16, 2006

what happened?

Something good. Ya know when life makes it really hard for ya, ok everyone in school can relate to that but stick in there and hang on, cos when the going gets tough, fate realises what you're going through and gives ya something great. And no not something small that might distract ya from ya misery for a while, something that'll stay with you for as long as you can make it work.and that feels really great. I'm not one who believes too much in god but for this one i gotta holla and thank the dude upstairs.that plus the rather relaxed hols have been rather rejuvenating for me.past few weeks have been rather depleting and i needed this, thanks :) Life though goes on and yes there are still ya ups and downs? though i am rather miffed that spore still hasnt realised the true meaning of hols. hols=no school, for most of us today hols = half the time in school. yea im being all maths and what not but im in a good mood and i shall do as i choose. though there still is time to meet up with folks ya havent seen in a while and catch up, now thats what the hols are all about.

keep the faith, we'll make it


Blogger Preetha Balagi said...

hey. came here through sneha's blog. meaningful entry. (: and it's cool, i think the same way too.

3:51 AM  

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