Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Day, New People

The first day of the next two years of my life started rather well, though most of us spent close to 10 mins trying to locate our OGL when all we had to do was to look up. What followed were the formalities in terms of anthems and the pledge before those who where hungry got a bite. Then the onslaught of names and numbers began, followed by icebreakers which were rather weird to put it simply. The station games, though proving to be a disaster in terms of results, were thouroughly enjoyable. Drawing pictures based on descriptions was a riot cos the similarities were non existent 'cept probably for the hercules pic. But the folks in Kareted are good fun to be around, oh and its pronounced k'arete(d). All 21 o them and o course david and kelly. After dismissal a dinner was decided upon at 4.30! Ridiculous but apparently everyone was hungry and no one had a problem with dinner at 6. Our main problem was setting a table for all of us at PastaMania but that couldnt be managed and we were split into 2 tables. Other than nothing interesting other than meeting mich on the bus en route home. Well thats me for now and you will not be seeing an update for quite a while so don't expect one.

Først dagen


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